How to add a sign in option on your PC

These instructions tell you how to set up an alternative sign in option to your laptop, this is necessary so that if you forget your Connexis password or it expires you can still gain secure access to your laptop. 

There are 2 methods you can use for alternative sign in option, Face ID and a PIN.

Type sign in on Windows Search bar, then click sign-in options. Windows Search bar is always at the bottom left of your desktop, and will have the wordings showing ‘Type here to search’

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Face ID Sign in option

1. You will see the following screen

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2. Choose Windows Hello Face, you should then see the following screen.

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3. Click Setup, you should then see the following screen.


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4. Click Get Started

5. The PC is scanning your face now, wait for it to completed.









PIN Sign in option


1. Once face recongition is completed, it will ask to create a PIN if you haven’t done so, click Set up PIN

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2. It will ask you to verify your account password, this is your Connexis login password. Enter your password and then click OK.


3. Create a PIN and remember this, you can tick ‘Include letters and symbols’ if you wish to include letters (abc) and symbols (!@#). Your PIN must be at least 6 characters long

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4. Once it’s completed, it will be showing your Face ID and PIN is all setup to sign into Windows as below. 

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5. you can then sign into your PC using face Sign In, PIN or your normal password next time at the login page.

Normal Password

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Face ID

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